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General Rules

  • Participants must be of school age, currently enrolled in Kindergarten through 12th grades. Students may be enrolled in private, public, parochial or homeschool programs.


  • All participants will respect the property of others. Please be sure to stay in the designated areas, be courteous to fellow participants, and pickup after yourselves.


  • All participants will respect the property of the venue and will be courteous to staff.


Performance Rules

  • All acts should be appropriate for a family environment. No suggestive language or themes are allowed.


  • Acts are limited to 3 minutes.


  • Vocal performers may not use a track with lead vocals on it. Background vocals only are permitted. All vocalists must provide their own tracks. Tracks should be stored on a Bluetooth device. For the performance, the track will be broadcast via Bluetooth to the speakers.


  • Musicians must bring their own instruments.


Visual Artists Rules

  • Any type of media is permissible. However, understand that judging categories are based on grade level, not media type. A child may submit more than one work, but each must be of a different medium.


  • How the artwork is displayed is important and will be considered as part of the judging. Photos, paintings, sketches, drawings, etc. should be matted on a sturdy material such as tagboard, foamboard, cardboard or similar material. The artist's information sheet should be filled out completely and attached to the back of the artwork.


  • No identifying information should be visible on the front or the artwork.


  • Freestanding artwork such as easels, pottery, and sculpture are permissible. The artists information should be attached facedown to the base.


  • All art should be appropriate for a family environment. No suggestive language or themes are allowed.

  • ​All artwork should be submitted in person during the rehearsal. Times TBA. The Artist Information sheet must be attached and included at this time.

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M.A.P. is a non-profit 501c3 organization whose purpose is to provide enriching experiences at no cost for children in grades K-12 in Hancock County, Mississippi, to explore and learn Music, Arts and Practicality (Life Skills) through participation in

Children’s Theater, Choir & Arts activities.

© 2017 M.A.P.   Proudly created with

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